
The worries never stop.

Outside, you’ve got it handled. Inside, you’re trembling and afraid.

The hamster wheel in your head is flying as you prepare and rehearse and try to think of every single damn thing that can go wrong.

What if you’re late? What if you forgot something? Your boss wants to see you – what if she fires you?

But the things you prepare for never happen; you are on time because you leave an hour ahead for a 15- minute drive. You don’t forget because you check everything 25 times, over and over.

Your scary meeting with your boss is a session of Raise & Praise, but you are so relieved you didn’t get fired that you take two days to realize you make $10,000/year more now. And when you do, you worry now you need to do even more to deserve it.

Questions come up when you stop, breathe, and think.

Your perception of yourself is so off from everyone else’s. Other people don’t walk into a meeting in dread and leave in confused relief, do they?

You feel you’re just barely hanging on, always scrambling and behind; the world feels shaky and scary. Does everybody feel like this?

There are two paths here. And it’s time to take the better one.

Let’s get you on the path that everyone else sees you on, the one where you’re competent, in control, and calm.

That other path is taking you nowhere you want to be.

It’s time to stop feeling paralyzed and scared.

It’s time for you to stop feeling like you must do everything yourself.

Start with a call and a consultation.

It’s simple, easy, and long past time for you to get off the crazy train.

Start on the path to calm control now. Reach out.