Life Transitions

Change in life is inevitable.

Happy birthday! You’ll love college; it’s so fun to live on your own, you’ll make friends for life there!

Congratulations on your new baby!

So great to hear about your promotion; sad you’re moving, but it’ll be great once you settle in!

Frankly, we never understood what you saw in him; so great you finally left!

It’ll be great to have so much free time now that you’re retired. Will you be traveling, spending time with the grandkids? What are your plans?

Challenges come with some of life’s changes.

Whatever your plans were, they weren’t this − thrust into this new world, one that is so much more complicated and conflicted than you expected.

There are no unmixed blessings. And everyone finds themselves surprised by the shift from one place to another, and it takes a while for you to catch up to the new you and how you fit it to this new place.

Every new goal reached has a period of Now What? Attached to that goal is a slight feeling of being let down, a bit of missing the work for the old goal. And sometimes a feeling of being cheated.

That “perfect life” you thought you’d have once you overcome this one thing turns out to come with a new hurdle that somehow came upon your track for your victory lap.

Now what? Indeed!

Transitions and the threat of change come with a plethora of questions.

What do you want? Do you know? Are these goals yours, or are they goals set for you?

Should you suck it up or walk? When is enough, enough?

How can you adjust your expectations, accept where you are, get comfortable in your skin, and make your new place your own?

The Right Guidance helps you find answers.

We all face the trials of Life’s Transitions, and seeking the right help smooths out the bumps and removes some of the anxiety.

Together, we can address those transitions in your life that make things more complicated and challenging.

My role is to accompany you on this journey of discovery, where we discuss options and potential solutions.

Let’s work on what troubles about the transition you are facing. Contact me today!